Traditional Thai Bodywork

Treatment Services


2-hr therapeutic thai treatment* [$180]

Receive a holistic treatment tailored to your body’s needs utilizing Thai massage techniques in this 120-minute session. Traditionally, this is the recommended length of time for those seeking to restore balance and ease in the body.


3-hr therapeutic Thai Treatment* [$265]

Treat yourself to a holistic therapeutic treatment from a traditional Thai bodywork approach based on Thai medicine theory. This is a great option for those really looking to dive deeper into their bodywork goals and willing to explore the depths of the body’s amazing ability to heal itself. Come curious and ready to create some space!

Bundle Package (2-hour sessions ONLY)

Punch cards must be purchased in-full and are non-transferable. Thai Dai Punch cards must be redeemed within 6 months of issue date.

5-Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $810 (10% savings)

Sample 5x punch card mailed to clients (front).

Sample 5x punch card mailed to clients (back).

COMMUNITY RATE — PWYC Sliding Scale for 90-minute available $100 - $150

Pay-What-You-Can (PWYC) sliding scale is designed to lower the barrier making bodywork more accessible to those currently experiencing financial hardship, or otherwise lack the means to bodywork care. In order to keep this offering available to the community, Honor Code applies here - no proof on income required - however PWYC clients are not expected to tip however asked to truly pay within their means for the value of the treatment.